Vote Centers & In-person Voting

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Vote Early or On Election Day
At the County of Sacramento Voter Registration and Elections Department

Starting 29 days before an election, you may obtain a replacement Vote by Mail ballot at the Elections Office. 
Business hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. Our office is open until 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.​

Voter Registration and Elections 

7000 65th Street, Suite A

Sacramento CA 95823

Vote in Person at a Vote Center

You may also vote at a Vote Center beginning 10 days before Election Day.  At a Vote Center, your steps to voting are:

  1. ​Check-in with the Vote Center staff.
  2. Wait patiently while the Vote Center staff confirms your eligibility to vote.
  3. Tell the Vote Center staff if you would like to vote at the Vote Center or need a replacement ballot to take away and return later (by 8pm on Election Day).
  4. Wait for your ballot to print or for your access to an accessible ballot marking device.
  5. Vote for the contests and candidates of your choice. You do not have to vote on every contest listed on your ballot – it is up to you! 
  6. When finished voting, insert your voted ballot into the designated ballot box. Your ballot will be counted at the elections main office at 7000 65th Street. The Vote Center staff will give you an “I Voted” sticker – wear it proudly!

 All Vote Center locations are open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Election Day. As long as you are in line by 8 p.m., you will be able to vote. ​


​ What to Expect at a Vote Center​​

You may:

  • Request a replacement ballot (if you lost or destroyed the ballot mailed to you)
  • Vote your ballot
  • Or take your ballot with you
