You've Voted! What's Next?

​My Voter Portal

​Use My Voter Portal (MVP) to ​check the status of your voted ballot.​

Where are the Election Res​ults?

​View the Election Results Schedule​ so you know when to expect the next update.

Curious about what we still have left? Check out our page about What's Left to Process to see the work that continues.​

​​​​​ ​What Happens After Election Day?

Did you know? We have 28 days to certify the election. After the polls close at 8:00 pm on Election Day, the work continues as we diligently process, verify, and ensure all eligible ballots are counted. Accuracy takes time.​

The Official Canvass.

Division 15, Chapter 4.​​

In this phase we audit and account for all ballots that were issued, voted, and those that were not used. This phase includes, but is not limited to, the following tasks: 

  • Reconcile the number of ballots counted, spoiled, canceled, or invalidated due to identifying marks, over-votes, or as otherwise provided by statute, with the number of votes recorded, including VBM and provisional ballots, by the vote counting system. 
  • Process and count any valid VBM ballots not included in the semi-final election results. These VBM ballots are returned on Election Day to our office, at a Vote Center, to an Official Ballot Drop Box location, or timely via USPS.
  • Count any valid write-in votes. 
  • Duplicate any damaged ballots, if necessary. 
  • Reporting final results to the governing board and the Secretary of State, as required.

Conduct the 1% Manual Tally. 

Division 15, Chapter 4, Article 5.​

The 1% manual tally process validates the tabulation of ballots generated by the electronic voting equipment before certifying election results. Precincts utilized for the 1% manual tally are selected at random by the elections official. For each contest not included in the 1% manual tally, an additional voting precinct with that contest will be selected and tallied.​

Process Conditional Voter Registration (CVR) ballots.​

​California Code of Regulation. Title 2, Division 7, Chapter 1, Article 3.5.

CVR extends the existing 15-day registration deadline in California to eligible voters, allowing them to register and vote provisionally 14-days prior to an election through Election Day. Voters that are not registered must be processed using a CVR.

Certify the Election.

Division 15, Chapter 4, Article 6.

​Once the Official Canvass is complete, we will sign a certificate to certify the election results.


​California Code of Regulation. Title 2, Division 7, Chapter 8.​

​After we certify the election results, any voter may request for a recount within five (5) calendar days. Information about recounts may be found here​.​​​

​Post-Election Day Timeline.

​​Election Day
Election Results Schedule
​E + 1
​Begin Official Canvass
​E + 2
​Provide estimated number of unprocessed ballots to the Secretary of State
​E + 7
​Deadline for postmarked Vote by Mail ballots to be received by VRE.
​E + 9
​Begin the 1% Manual Tally.
​E + 28
​Deadline to complete the Official Canvass and certify the election results.
​E + 33
​Recount Period Ends.


Secretary of State: ​California Vote Counting Process
Secretary of State: 1% Manual Tally
Secretary of State: Recounts