My Voter Portal
My Voter Portal (MVP) to check the status of your voted ballot.
Why Did I Receive a Notice About My Signature?
If we are unable to confirm that your signature on your pink Vote by Mail return envelope matches your signature on file, we will contact you to ensure your ballot is counted.
California law allows you the opportunity to correct your signature on your pink Vote by Mail return envelope up until two days before the election is certified.
To correct your signature, you may:
Without your signature, your ballot will not be counted.
Where are the Election Results?
View the
Election Results Schedule so you know when to expect the next update.
Curious about what we still have left? Check out our page about
What's Left to Process to see the work that continues.
What Happens After Election Day?
Did you know? We have 28 days to certify the election. After the polls close at 8:00 pm on Election Day, the work continues as we diligently process, verify, and ensure all eligible ballots are counted. Accuracy takes time.
The Official Canvass.
Division 15, Chapter 4.
In this phase we audit and account for all ballots that were issued, voted, and those that were not used. This phase includes, but is not limited to, the following tasks:
- Reconcile the number of ballots counted, spoiled, canceled, or invalidated due to identifying marks, over-votes, or as otherwise provided by statute, with the number of votes recorded, including VBM and provisional ballots, by the vote counting system.
- Process and count any valid VBM ballots not included in the semi-final election results. These VBM ballots are returned on Election Day to our office, at a Vote Center, to an Official Ballot Drop Box location, or timely via USPS.
- Receive, confirm, and process Signature Verification Statements.
- Count any valid write-in votes.
- Duplicate any damaged ballots, if necessary.
- Reporting final results to the governing board and the Secretary of State, as required.
Conduct the 1% Manual Tally.
Division 15, Chapter 4, Article 5.
The 1% manual tally process validates the tabulation of ballots generated by the electronic voting equipment before certifying election results. Precincts utilized for the 1% manual tally are selected at random by the elections official. For each contest not included in the 1% manual tally, an additional voting precinct with that contest will be selected and tallied.
Process Conditional Voter Registration (CVR) ballots.
California Code of Regulation. Title 2, Division 7, Chapter 1, Article 3.5.
CVR extends the existing 15-day registration deadline in California to eligible voters, allowing them to register and vote provisionally 14-days prior to an election through Election Day. Voters that are not registered must be processed using CVR.
Certify the Election.
Division 15, Chapter 4, Article 6.
Division 17.
Once the Official Canvass is complete, we will sign a certificate to certify the election results.
Election materials shall be sealed and retained for 22-months from the date of the election for federal elections and 6-months from the date of the election for local elections.
California Code of Regulation. Title 2, Division 7, Chapter 8.
After we certify the election results, any voter may request for a recount within five (5) calendar days. Information about recounts may be found
Post-Election Day Timeline.
Election Day
| Election Results Schedule
E + 1
| Begin Official Canvass
E + 2
| Provide estimated number of unprocessed ballots to the Secretary of State
E + 7
| Deadline for postmarked Vote by Mail ballots to be received by VRE. (EC § 3020)
E + 9
| Begin the 1% Manual Tally.
E + 26
| Deadline to Return Signature Verification Statement by 5:00 pm. Signature Verification Statements received after the deadline shall not be considered. (EC 15392)
E + 28
| Deadline to complete the Official Canvass and certify the election results.
E + 33
| Recount Period Ends.
Secretary of State: California Vote Counting Process
Secretary of State: 1% Manual Tally
Secretary of State: Recounts