Candidate and Election Resources

September ​2024, Sacramento County Employees' Retirement System (SCERS) Election

Important Dat​es

​​July 22, 2024 - August 2, 2024

​Nomination Period

​​September 16, 2024 - September 27, 2024

​Voting Period

​October 4, 2024

​​Deadline for postmarked ballots to be received by VRE

​October 8, 2024

​Election Results Posted​

Election Resources

Notice of Election - Miscellaneous Representative

Notice of Election - Safety and Alternate Safety Representative​​

​Offical notice of election to SCERS membership with positions up for election, terms of office, and calendar of events.

​Randomized Alphabet Drawing
(coming soon)

Candidates within in the contest will follow the results of the randomized alphabet drawn by the County.

​​Election Results​
(coming soon)​
​Official election results for the election.

Candidate Resour​ces

​Cand​​idate ​Fo​​​rms

Miscellaneous Representative

  • Candidate Instructions - Instructions regarding the filing process, the nomination petition, candidate statements, and more.​
  • Candidate Statement Form​ - If you are submitting a statement to be included in the ballot packet, fill out the form online, print, sign, and date.  Bring the completed form with you to VRE.
  • Miscellaneous Nomination Petition​​ - Only Miscellaneous Members may be candidates for this election, circulate the nomination petition, sign the nomination petition, and vote for a Miscellaneous Representative. Each signer of the petition must print and sign his/her name in full, and write the name of their employer.
Safet​​y and Alternate Safety Representative
  • Candidate Instructions - Instructions regarding the filing process, the nomination petition, candidate statements, and more.​
  • Candidate Statement Form​ - If you are submitting a statement to be included in the ballot packet, fill out the form online, print, sign, and date.  Bring the completed form with you to VRE.
  • Safety Nomination Petition - Only Safety Members may be candidates for this election, circulate the nomination petition, sign the nomination petition, and vote for a Safety Representative. Each signer of the petition must print and sign his/her name in full, and write the name of their employer

November 5, 2024 Presidential General Election

Important D​ates

Signatures In Lieu of Filing Fee Petitions (for any offices that requires a filing fee, EC § 8106)

You, the candidate, m​ay submit petition forms with signatures of registered voters to reduce filing fees and secure their nomination signatures during this period. Petition forms must be received by this deadline.

This is Optional. 

Not applicable for General Elections

Candidate Nomination Period (Federal, State, County, and Schools, EC §§ 8020, 10407)
Nomination signatures required (unless you met your nomination signature requirements during the Signature In-Lieu of Filing Fee Petition period in Step #1). Nomination documents, including a Declaration of Candidacy (EC §§​ 8040, 10510), must be obtained and submitted​ during this period.
This is Mandatory.
July 15, 2024 – August 9, 2024​


Write- In Period (Write-In Candidates) 
A name written on a ballot will not be counted unless the person has filed during this period a statement of write-in candidacy and nomination signatures, if applicable, stating they are a Qualified Write-In candidate for the election.
This is Mandatory​.
September 9, 2024 – October 22, 2024​

Election Resources​

Positions Up For Election

​List of positions up for election.

Candidate Report

List of state and local candidates who have filed nomination documents.
​​List of Qualified Write-In Candidates
(coming soon)
List of qualfied write-in candidates for state and local contests.​

Proclamation and Writ of Election

​The Governor’s Proclamation that a General Election will be held throughout the State on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

Abbreviated Election Calendar

​​Important dates and deadlines for the upcoming General Election.​

Measure Calendar
​Important dates and deadlines for placing a measure on the ballot.
Secretary of State Randomized Drawing
(coming soon)

All countywide or wholly contained contests will follow the results of the randomized drawing conducted by the Secretary of State (EC 13112).​
Sacramento County Randomized Alphabet Drawing
(coming soon)

​State Assembly and State Senate contests that are shared with at least one other county will follow the results of the randomized drawing conducted by the County (EC 13111(e), 13111(i)).

​Candidate Info​rmation

There are two ways for you, the candidate, to obtain your paperwork:

  1. Schedule an appointment​ and come in-person.
  2. Authorize a representative to pick up documents on your behalf. To do so, you must complete, sign, and return the Letter of Authorization to VRE.​

​​​All original nomination documents are due to VRE with original signatures by 5pm on the filing deadline in order for you to qualify as a candidate. Postmarks do not count.

If you do not plan to execute your Declaration of Candidacy in-person, it must be properly notarized by a California Public Notary and received by VRE by the filing deadline (EC §8040(c)​). No exceptions.

​Cand​​idate ​Guide

Candidate Guide

The Candidate Guide is intended to provide general information and does not have the force or effect of law, regulation, or rule. It is distributed with the understanding that VRE is not rendering legal advice. Therefore, the G​​uide is not a substitute for legal counsel for the individual, organization, or candidate using it.​

​Cand​​idate ​Fo​​​rms
​Cand​​idate ​Filing Overview

​The presentation below provides you with the general overview of the candidate filing process.

Candidate Filing Overview - PowerPoint Presentation​ 

​​​​District Verification

You may enter your residential address and verify the district you reside in.  Most contests require the you, as the candidate, to live in the district you are running for.